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aktek io updates july 2022
Abir AlkhawandJul 27, 2022 11:21:29 AM2 min read

The Complete List of July 2022 AKTEK iO Updates

We hope you are enjoying your summer vacation. In the meantime, we continue to work on improving iO to deliver you better capabilities and functionalities.

If you are already a customer, you can also go to our helpdesk and check our step-by-step guide to use these new features.


Export filtered data

After applying a smart filter to the report view, if you click on Export data, you will get two options: 

1- Export all data

2- Export filtered data

Based on your selection, an email will be sent to you to download the data (all or filtered) as an Excel file.


Added info in data export

If you have a designation added to your data structure, it will now show this column and the corresponding value in the exported excel sheet.


Report Name in Exported File

After you export the data, you will get an email with an Excel file to download. The downloaded file will now contain the report's name (limited to 27 characters).

Export data to Excel


Media albums

1- Under the Image and Video fields, you can allow adding multiple images/videos to create an album. All you need to do is to define the minimum number of images to be greater than 1.

2- A new field was added: Album. Under this field, you can add both images and videos.

media album on AKTEK iO

media albums on AKTEK iO


Image Metadata 

While creating the data structure, enable Save Metadata in the configuration of the image field and in Video and album fields.

This will allow you to automatically upload the metadata of the media file and save it when you upload an image or video. 

media file metadata

media file metadata 2

media file metadata 3



Table options

In all table views of the app, you can find the display options on the top left of the table. (i.e. Table of users, table of roles, reports, etc.).

These options include the following:

1- Allow Column Resize: move the mouse between the borders of the columns to resize manually.

2- Disable Table Auto-layout: this will allow you to resize a column beyond the minimum size. 

3- Hide Columns: You can select the columns you wish to hide here.

4- Show Quick actions: the full row menu will be displayed in this case.

5- Use a Simplified Page Navigator: Only prev/next options will be displayed for paging.

6- Allow Bulk Selection: This option will only be available on the reports view.

new table options on AKTEK iO



Hide all nodes

Under Network Settings > Legend, we have added a toggle to Hide all nodes. You can then enable them one by one under the report legend. 

data network nodes

Allow opacity to go to zero

Under network settings > Graph settings, the Unselected Opacity can be set to zero to hide totally unselected nodes and edges. 

data network graph settings

Company Settings

Geo settings

Under Geo settings, we have added the Default map base layer. You can select Street, Satellite, or Topographic to show by default on all the maps on iO.

default map geo settings



You can now disable the Two Factor-Authentication company-wide. In this case, the 2FA will be turned off even for super admins. However, it’s highly recommended to keep the default settings.

two factor authentication security on AKTEK iO


Bar and Line Charts

Under Appearance, we have added Label orientation with 2 options: Horizontal and Diagonal

It's advised to use diagonal when you have a high number of bars, in order to fit more labels on the display view. 



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Abir Alkhawand

As a product manager at AKTEK, I aim to improve product features and customer experience continuously. I support our clients with their requests, collect their suggestions, and coordinate with the technical team for the most efficient delivery of these updates.